Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Friday, June 20, 2008

HOWTO make your own Youtube site using PHPMotion!

So, you want to make your own YouTube site? Well, you can using some free software such as PHPMotion. We are working on a new video site (classified) but in the meanwhile you can make your own YouTube using this software. BE AWARE: PHPMotion is probably the hardest software to install ever and you probably would fail your first time around. You need a 32-bit server to start with. I found out this by trying to install it on a 64-bit server. Just read the instructions well and you should be able to make your own Youtube Clone soon.

PHPmotion is a free video sharing software that now also have support for audio/mp3 sharing which has drawn thousand and thousands of web users to the site currently. The application that will allow you to create and run your very own video sharing website. With very little knowledge required you can now have website just like and and best of all, its 100% free to download and use.

Now everyone can build their own youtube clone like site absolutely FREE. With many features including. - Easy uploading of Videos directly from the user computer - support for many formats including (mpg, avi, divx and more) - View upload process as it happens -Edit video at anytime, change the title, description and tags - Delete Video at anytime allowing management of files - Make video public or private for those who don\'t like to share :-) - Allow or disallow video comments and also video embedding - Allow or disallow embedding Groups - Create a new group for even more video sharing - Group admin can make group private or public - Videos can be deleted and added to the group very easily - Group admin can deleted members and also comments - Members can talks together using the group comments Favorites - Add videos to favourites allowing for easy playback of the list - Videos can be deleted at anytime Friends

Phpmotion invites you to join and be part of a growing user base of over 100 000 webmasters who have already downloaded PHPmotion and are enjoying its benefits!!. Phpmotion also provides its customers with extra services and features at their website http://www.phpmotion .com, that include Server Setup for your soft ware,Script installation Service, Upgrade Service when new versions are released ,PowerTools Installation Service,\"ZERO BRANDING\" License that removes the copyright notice and more!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Firefox 3 downloads clear 8 million mark

Take this statistic with a grain of salt, but Mozilla said more than 8 million copies of Firefox 3 were downloaded in its first 24 hours online. Mozilla, which is behind the open-source Web browser, was trying to set a download record for the software. The 24-hour period lasted from 11:16 a.m. PDT Tuesday to the same time Wednesday, and Mozilla said it's waiting for the Guinness Book of World Records to review the results. The download rate, which peaked at 14,000 per minute Tuesday, was still going strong at more than 6,000 per minute Wednesday morning.

Mozilla fanned the fanboy flames with its download record attempt, but it's likely the majority of those who downloaded Firefox 3 at this stage will just use it to replace Firefox 2, not a competitor such as Microsoft's still-dominant Internet Explorer or Apple's third-place Safari.

There's also a big difference between downloading Firefox, installing it, using it, and switching to it as the primary browser. One early sign shows at a minimum, though, that Firefox 3 usage is significant at more than 4 percent share, according to Net Applications.

And don't forget the error bars: it's impossible to say how many of the Firefox 3 copies were installed by enthusiasts trying to goose the number. And while 8.3 million might well become an audited record, Adobe blogger and evangelist Ryan Stewart pointed out that Adobe gets 8 million installations of the Flash plug-in on an average day.

Don't let my note of skepticism detract from the occasion, though. This might have been just a PR stunt, but the fact that Mozilla's Download Day drew as much attention as it did indicates that Firefox is more than just a piece of software. It's a movement people want to belong to.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Google and Yahoo strike deal, Microsoft's out

Microsoft must be ticked. It didn’t get to buy Yahoo, or even just a slice of it. Instead, all its efforts only served to drive Yahoo into Google’s waiting arms. The Google/Yahoo deal, announced Thursday, doesn’t make a Goohoo (or would it be Yagle?) by any means. According to BusinessWeek, Yahoo will display some Google text ads for Yahoo search results. Yahoo will control when and how the ads show up, and says it stands to make up to $800 million from the deal.

It seems clear Yahoo will need to take further steps to get its house in order, but just what those steps might be is still up in the air. Also in question is what Carl Icahn will do now that Microsoft appears finished (again) with its attempts to bolster its own lackluster online offerings with a Yahoo purchase.

Icahn may still try to replace Yahoo’s board come August, but as his primary goal for the proxy battle was to push a Microsoft deal, it’s unclear if there would still be any point to such a move. The Wall Street Journal has him “studying the situation” but not giving any clues about where he’ll go.

Don’t assume anything is a done deal in this saga, though. According to the Silicon Alley Insider, there’s an escape clause in the search deal that allows Google to walk away if there’s a ‘change in control’ for Yahoo. Per the piece, that could mean Microsoft, News Corp., or Time Warner buying 35 percent of Yahoo’s voting stock, Microsoft picking up 5 percent of total equity, or other triggers. Looks like Google would get a $250 million parting gift from the purchasing company if that happens.

And then there’s the potential for government regulators to put the kibosh on the plan. BusinessWeek has Eric Schmidt arguing that the deal doesn’t require regulatory approval, but guesses that Microsoft will still push for close scrutiny.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Will Google, Facebook and Apple Own the Web?

Time looks at Google (GOOG), Facebook and Apple (AAPL) as likely winners of the Web wars. They do make think of the 3 Cs:
  • Google = commerce
  • Facebook = community
  • Apple = content.

Interesting that none of the three create any of the underlying C, they just enable it. That being said, I don’t buy any of these “the future of this” or “how this will kill that” pieces, nor do I buy many of these “X company is the future of so-and-so”.

Google’s place in business is cemented: It’s catapulted itself to IBM (IBM) and Microsoft (MSFT) status and while it may or may or not change, it won’t go anywhere.

Apple today is kicking ass and won’t be disappearing, but just a decade ago it was going nowhere.

Facebook is a great story but has yet to prove itself. It can become Friendster, quickly, and last time I checked, MySpace remains much bigger…

But the bigger reason why I take these articles with a grain of salt is two-fold:

  • Didn’t an analyst from Sanford Bernstein argue just last week that - on the strength of their respective 20-30% revenue growth - Amazon and Google would own the future of the Web?
  • Isn’t the future of the Web a video-based one? Sure, Google has video mojo thanks to its YouTube acquisition. But Facebook? Not really. Apple can’t really claim leadership either.

This makes me wonder: If video is the future of the Web, who will win between the technology players versus the content players? Hmm… let me think about that, a post is coming soon.