Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Opera 9.6 is out! - Download now

Popular web browser Opera just pushed out a new stable release featuring overall speed improvements, several cool feature updates, and a laundry list of bug fixes. Opera still has all the excellent features that made us declare that Opera is still in the browser race with its previous release, but this latest release is faster, and it continues to add innovative features that most browsers only support through third-party extensions. Keep reading for a closer look.

Opera 9.6 has been released. Some highlighted changes are :

  • Link it: Opera Link now lets you also synchronize custom Search engines and typed History. So any website address you typed in one computer will be available in all your other computers.
  • Feed Preview: Click on the feed icon and you will see it in a clean and efficient layout especially formated for your window size. This makes it easier to see the feeds content before subscribing to it or even bookmarking it for quickly viewing what’s new in a page without distractions.
  • Speed Enhancement: Go on, surf around, you’ll notice the Web is snappier in Opera 9.6 with faster page loading than previous versions.

View the full changelog Here

Download Opera 9.6

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