Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Friday, June 19, 2009

Iconspedia : Your source of free icons

Iconspedia, in the spirit of 2.0 and sharing, is just one such service which brings together icons submitted by the community. Icons are the icing on your cake. They make your site aesthetically more interesting and these days they’re rather easy to come by especially given the collaborative and communal nature of the web.

Icons are divided by categories, among which you’ll find animals, art, computers, and cars. As you’re browsing through each subcategory you’ll find that they’re split into packs which can be downloaded individually or altogether for Mac, Linux or Windows. You also have the option to download as an .ico file or in various sizes, PNG. All icons have their licenses listed and are free to download. Submitting your own icons is a matter of filling out a short form, registration not required.

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