Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Friday, September 18, 2009

ICONlook - Icon Search Engine

Iconlook is a search engine exclusively designed for icons. Icons play an important role in the web world and no one can afford to have lousy icons for his site. Imagine a webpage without any icon; it would be similar to imagining the world without colours. ICONLOOK allows you to search for hundreds of icons with just a single click.

Just go through the website, search for your desired icon(s) and get stunned by what you get to see. You can also have a look at the most popular icons. The service also allows you to stumble through random icons (something that we owe to Stumble Upon). Search can also be aided by the use of the tag cloud.

ICONLOOK has made its mark on me as the web design is not messed up at all. The site is simple, yet useful and will surely help people who are in search for Icons. ICONLOOK can also go on to allow web designers to market their icons and provide contact details besides those icons for people who are looking for a custom job.

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