Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Proprofs : Create FREE online polls

ProProfs comprehensive online polls maker allows you to create polls customized to your needs. ProProfs Polls are completely free. You can create online polls for your friends, students, website or customers. Customize your poll look and feel. Share your polls on your website, blog or social network. Analyze your poll results to find answers or just plain fun. ProProfs Polls are user-friendly. A vast array of tools and resources are available to accommodate both pollster and end-user.

Additionally you can search and browse polls created by other users, sort them by category, rate polls, leave comments and embed them on your webpages. Sign up to get started. The site also offers some really suitable analytics options. For instance,you can compare how your poll performed in relation to other polls that you deem as connected. You can also get a detailed timeline of votes and track polls’ popularity with easy-to-understand reports that will let you figure how to make them more engaging in the future.

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