Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seadragon : Share your images in full detail

Seadragon is designed to inspire and enable new scenarios for viewing information online. It combines several new technologies to progressively retrieve large amounts of data using a fast, seamless, zoom based interface. Seadragon works with all types of content, from wall-sized displays to cell phones, regardless of the amount of data or the bandwidth of the network.

The usage is simple, you just type in the URL to the image and it will be converted for you. Next you can share the result on Delicious, Digg, Facebook or Twitter. Want to embed or just need the URL to the image, the embed code and URL is also given after completion of the conversion.

This is quite a simple solution that will allow a great quantity of people to place different procures on their sites so their visitors can take a look at them to see al their details. If you are a photographer or you just like to take Pictures and you are totally concerned about each single detail, this is an interesting solution you will be highly benefited at

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