Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mozilla Open Web Tools Directory for Developers

Open Web Tools Directory today offers a variety of tools that can aid web developers in their projects. You are however wrong if you are now expecting a boring menu that looks like any other web directory that you visited over the past years. The Open Web Tools Directory is different from most web directories as it places icons of the web tools that have already been added to it on the screen with a tiny header and footer area that provide filters and offer additional information.

The benefit of this solution is that it allows to place more tools on the screen without forcing the user to scroll or change pages. The page will only load in web browsers supporting canvas which includes Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome for example while Internet Explorer 8 (and likely all other Internet Explorer versions as well) throw an error and do not display the page.

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