Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Texture Lovers : Free Textures, Inspiration and texture tutorials

Texture Lovers Its purpose is to archive some of the best free textures from around the web and better yet only archive the ones that are free to use in commercial and personal work without worrying about giving credit to the source (no attribution). On this site you will also find links to inspiration and tutorials all texture related.

The textures are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license, usually you would have to give attribution to who created the textures but the kind people featured on the site have waived the need for attribution which enables you to optionally give credit to them if you use their textures.

The textures are free to use, but any inspiration or tutorials on this site are very much copyrighted material and should not be re-produced in any way, they are here to learn from and gain inspiration not copy from, please respect that.

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