Resources and tutorials for Webmasters
Resources and tutorials for Webmasters

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SwatchSpot : Creates random color swatches to inspire you

SwatchSpot is a free web service which lets you generate random color swatches with different color schemes. It lets users to create and save palettes of different color combinations with the click of a button. This is very useful for designers who are looking for color schemes for their project or design.

SwatchSpot is a color swatch generator which creates a new swatch every time you click Reload palette. Each set of colors will contain a combination of 6 different colors which you can save to your computer as an image file.

The generated swatches also have the hexidemical code of those colors which you can use when designing with your image manipulation software or can even use it with your code. This is one of the easiest ways to get inspiration of color scheme combos.

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